
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Christmas 2021

We had a lot of fun making Reindeer Cookies and Christmas decorations this week.

We used arrowroot biscuits, nutella, M&Ms and pretzels to make our delicious reindeer cookies. It was a lovely treat!

Our Christmas decorations had a 'Xmas Tree' theme. We made a finger print xmas tree card, a glittery xmas tree with a candy cane and then a xmas tree ornament for our trees. What a great way to end the year.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Water - An Amazing Substance


For science we done gravity science and we grbid a cup and a cad and we pot sume water in a cup and we pot a bit of water and you pot the card on the top and we hlod the cad and you flp it over and you let go it levatas and it stas ter and it is dey cos there is  bubols in it and it is macks it stay there an it was fun.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


 We are going to use different poems to help us practice our reading strategies.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Simple Circuits

 WALT explore different musical instruments and we are learning to give different types of music a go.

we whre doing electricty and we pot same plado and same alesrick cord and same lits and we pot it in to the plado and the lits trind on so we split the plado and we pot alesrick cods in it it is raning on one batre and we pot a lot of litil lits on the paldo and we pot cods in to the plado so it go logr and it went and it was so cool 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Asttle Writing - Narrative


The children write for a total of 40 minutes. Within that timeframe they have to plan their writing (a brainstorm) write, edit and re-craft their work. They are not allowed to use dictionaries or word cards. The students completed their writing on paper but have typed it out for their blogs.

Once upon a time their was a bad wisard and a good prince in the forst but he was walking but heheard a whispher but he sen nothing son he went in to a care so he slep there the next day he stol hrid it he folod the noise and sen a wisaed runing he tried to a tack but he codint so he hidid from her but he got a an in juredr leg so he stated to hid  he nindandhe escaped he wis but he dislocated his leg so he had to rest but he snapt his leg back to how it was he went back to the kingdom so they no the wis was sroing so say braing all the kingdom to fight there are gods but bad so they went to war a the wis spod aros ate them they had strong peopol all the kingdom and they got one sroing prisin in eis one.